On The Kingstonian: Three Letters from A Citizen
“We should not be celebrating a ribbon cutting ceremony for a parking garage.
Instead, we should be celebrating our children, their education, and their future.”


The author, James Michael, sits on Kingston’s Board of Education and is chair of the Audit and Finance Committee.

January 6, 2021

Ulster County Legislature Chairman
David Donaldson

Mr. David Donaldson:

At our December 2nd meeting, the members of the BoE held an hour and a half long discussion on the Kingstonian PILOT prior to the actual vote.

For the last two years, the BoE has done its homework, and we made a well-considered and well-informed decision to vote down the resolution.

The 6-3 vote was a 2/3 majority, and the vote would have been unanimous – 9-0 — had my dear three colleagues not succumbed to political pressure arising from their involvement in local Democratic politics, even though philosophically they oppose 25-year deviated PILOTs.

The question remains whether the community will remember that at the next Board of Education elections.

You yourself, Mr. Donaldson, stated at the IDA meeting on December 16th — and I quote – “I do have a problem with PILOTs.”

Robbing our students of their education is immoral, unethical and philosophically wrong.

That’s unacceptable, Mr. Donaldson.


James Michael

BoE Trustee
Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee



January 6, 2021

Ulster County Industrial Development Agency CEO
Rose Woodworth

Ms. Woodworth,

At Nov. 18, 2020 BoE meeting I asked you for a copy of a signed and dated PILOT application by the Kingstonian developers. I also asked County Executive Patrick Ryan for a signed and dated application.

For two weeks I received no answer. Then, at the 11th hour prior to our December meeting when we were scheduled to vote on the PILOT, you finally sent something to the BoE. But you sent us the original application that was dated June 29, 2020.

That application is invalid and irrelevant because in that application the Kingstonian developers requested a negative number — ($1,964,126) to be exact – for the PILOT, while the cost of the project was marked at $57, 885,000. The newer, Sept. 9 application posted on the IDA website is unsigned and undated, and puts costs at $3 million less.

A woman with children applying for SNAP benefits with Ulster County Social Services must sign an application that her statements are true under penalty of perjury. If she lies on the application, she can get arrested and even thrown in jail. My question is, why did the Kingstonian developers not sign their Sept. 9 application? The people of Ulster County deserve an answer.

Why did the cost of the project drop $3 million between June 29 and Sept. 3 when the cost of materials has increased during that time? I work in construction supply, and I have seen first-hand how prices have risen this year. Why is the $3.8 million DRI grant not included in the calculation? That is almost 7% of the project’s value. Finally, why do we still not know the names of the investors?

For the last two years the developers and the IDA have collaborated with false financial statements, deception and manipulation to defraud the BoE and the people of Ulster County. The Kingstonian project presented the true test about the transparency, integrity and credibility of the IDA.

The facts speak for themselves. You have been a monumental failure.

Therefore, I ask IDA CEO Ms. Woodworth and IDA board members Mr. Ham, Dr. Eynon, Mr. Malcolm, Mr. Jones, Mr. Reece, Mr. Savona, Ms. Storms to resign.

The Greek philosopher Diogenes was said to walk the streets of Athens at night with a lantern in search of an honest man. He never found one. And I have not found one since the Kingstonian project was unveiled.

Mr. Brad Jordan, since you proposed the Kingstonian two years ago, the community has been torn apart. Brad, you have been a role model, a community leader and many times a benefactor to this community. You have told me that Bonura and partners first approached you with the idea of the Kingstonian, and you also said that if this PILOT does not move forward, you will still go ahead and develop your property.

Today is your chance to heal these rifts so the community can again move forward in peace and harmony. Mr. Jordan, please withdraw the PILOT application. We as a community will stand with you and support you today and in the future.


James Michael

BoE Trustee
Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee



January 6, 2021

Governor Andrew Cuomo

Dear Governor:

The ancient Athenians believed that for democracy and community to grow and thrive, first you need to educate the citizens — our children, that is.

So before we put up pretty buildings, let’s educate our children, because our children are our future and our future leaders.

It is a mistake to divert tax dollars intended for education into the pockets of developers, to millionaires and billionaires, for the sake of economic development that may not even accomplish its intended purpose.

It is morally wrong to take tax dollars from our children’s education and give it away. It is ethically wrong to betray our children and deprive them of a better education. The right thing to do is to prioritize their welfare and their learning.

Lastly, the right thing to do is to dissolve the IDA. During its five decades, the IDA has strayed from its original purpose, and the time has come to take a second look and seek different ways to create economic development in our community and our state.

We should not be celebrating a ribbon cutting ceremony for a parking garage. Instead, we should be celebrating our children, their education, and their future.

In closing, here is a quote by a great New Yorker who once said, “We believe in a government strong enough to use words like “love” and “compassion” and smart enough to convert our noblest aspirations into practical realities.” That was Mario Matthew Cuomo, former governor of New York. May he rest in peace.

May we show our children that love and compassion and give them inspiration for the future.


James Michael

BoE Trustee
Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee