Arguments for the Kingstonian boil down to jobs, tax base, parking, feet on the ground to buy from local business. That’s a mirage, it’s NOT going to happen that way. In his letter Monday, the mayor said the debate was “full of misinformation.” The MAYOR is full of misinformation. He said 270 spots were for the public. But the plans say 203, and if you take out hotel and shops, that’s less than now in a parking lot that’s half empty half the time. Jordan’s going to have valet parking in his mall. Don’t vote for this shell game and benefits that will never come to pass.
A giveaway by any name is still a giveaway. If you can’t walk, bike, drive on ALL of Fair Street Extension then you’re not RE-using the street, you’re NOT using the street, and we know that anyway because the developers even said it wouldn’t be open 24/7.
The letter said you’ve already voted to create a public plaza. You remember that vote, you know, the one where the mayor violated the KLDC charter by campaigning against the School Board, and where Jordan resigned right before the vote, so he could pretend there was no conflict of interest, just like he dropped off the DRI committee, so he could pretend there was no conflict of interest, even though he’s still ON the DRI traffic committee determining what do with Schwenk Drive, all violations of the RFQ? Are you really going to vote for something riddled with ethical breaches and whose benefits are a pipe dream?
Some of you condemn Trump’s tax cuts. Why embrace them here? You condemn Trump’s Lies. Then why embrace the Mayor’s? The letter threatened that if you didn’t vote his way it would jeopardize the DRI grant. But New York’s Department of State says otherwise, and I have the email to prove it – unless the mayor and his gang go out of their way TO jeopardize it.
Privatization is BAD for economic development. Right now, people pay $100 to the City. Soon, they’ll be asked to pay $720 to Brad Jordan. These prices are going to drive customers AWAY from businesses the mayor claims he wants to support. The so-called benefits are clouds in your coffee. It’s presented as a choice: The Kingstonian, or nothing, or the City has to build its own garage. There are other choices, but they don’t want you to know about them. This is not a public private partnership, this is private, and giving away FSE serves the private, not the public, and not your constituents.
Thank you, Gary Daniels, for making this a superspreader event in your ongoing war against the public voice.